
domSUN is a CLI task-Module-Planner.

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1. Overview

1.1 Project Overview

DOMNUS - is a desktop application that helps in module and task tracking. It was developed under the module CS2113 Software Engineering & Object Oriented Programming. Within the schedule of approximately 7 weeks, my team of 5 Computer Engineering students successfully created DOMNUS to help students to stay organize with respective to the modules they take in NUS.

2. Summary of Contributions

Given below are my contributions to the project.

2.1 Enhancements Implemented:

New Feature: CAP calculator (later improved by tomlbz)
What it does: It allows user to calculate their current/projected CAP value. They can also input custom modules and grades.
Justification: Since “domsun” is a task and module scheduler, its user (diligent NUS student) will want to measure the result of their hard work (CAP value) after the exam.
Highlights: This action can be easily integrated with other actions in the future. Functions like getObjectInfo and modifyObject can be passed on to actions that need cap calculation too such as GoalAction.
Credits: @tomlbz for improving the code quality and integrating CAP action with other actions in OOP manner.

New Feature: Goal calculator (later improved by tomlbz)
What it does: Calculate and comment on how far user is from his dream CAP.
Justification: As studying for a long time, the user will want to know what grade he should get on average to achieve his goal. Goal also will tell the user whether his goal is realistic or not.
Highlights: This feature is synchronised with Cap Calculator and Grade Action so user can just need to input their grade once with Grade Action.
Credits: @tomlbz for improving the code quality and integrating CAP action with other actions in OOP manner.

New Feature: Grade Action (later improved by tomlbz)
What it does: Allow user to add in and modify their grade on a particular taken module.
Justification: After result release, user will want to register their grade to “domsun” for futher calculation (i.e. calculate CAP).
Highlights: This fucntion can be easily implemented by other future action that needs grade registration such as CAP and Goal calculator.
Credits: @tomlbz for improving the code quality and integrating CAP action with other actions in OOP manner.

Testing: Implement testing for Add, Cap, Goal, Grade, Load, Module, and TaskActions.

Code Contributed: Reposense link

2.2 Contributions to UG: